The Data Versions Page

Versions allow for multiple unique sets of input data to be imported into a portfolio and used in one or more scenarios.

The following input data may be versioned:

  • Opportunity input data (time series, scalars, outcome weights)
  • Master data
  • Outcome dependencies
  • Attribute characteristics

Data Versions created prior to v3.18 will share outcome dependencies and attribute characteristics . Any update to these data in one legacy version will apply to all. Versions created in v3.18 and later will have overrides and will be entirely independent. Overrides are described in the Data Versions list:

A portfolio may have only one model as defined by the expressions file. The tool does not support multiple versions of expressions. The model for the whole portfolio will be replaced when a new expressions file is imported regardless of the targeted data version.

While rules may vary by scenario, this is achieved with a scenario override and not via data versions. If not overridden, all scenario rules will be replaced by a new import regardless of targeted data version. See The Rules Page for more information.

A data version may be created by copying an existing version, or as a new empty version.

Create a Version

To create a new version:

  1. Click the Create Version button.
  2. Enter a name for your new version in the Name field.
  3. To create an empty version (a new version without data), click the Empty Version button and click OK.

    Click image to expand or minimize.

  4. To create a copy of a preexisting version:
    1. Click the Copy Version button.
    2. Select a version to copy using the Data Versiondrop-down menu.
    3. Click OK.
    4. Click image to expand or minimize.

Assigning Scenarios to Versions

Once you've created a version, you can assign a scenario to it from The Details Tab on The Active Scenario Page.

Lock/Unlock a Version

To lock a version, click the Lock icon () next to the version's name.

Input Data in a locked version cannot be modified.

To unlock a version, click the Lock icon () next to the version's name.

Delete a Version

To delete a version:

  1. Click on (or hover over) the row associated with the version you wish to delete.
  2. Click the Options icon () near the right edge of the table.
  3. Click image to expand or minimize.

  4. Click Delete.

Before you can delete a version, any scenarios assigned to it need to be reassigned to a different version. Versions with scenarios assigned to them cannot be deleted.